A movie about the twilight years of Pierre-Auguste Renoir who was one of the leaders of the Impressionist movement. The story plays around the artist which I would of preferred be about Monsieur Renoir. The movie dosen’t show case the most important time of his life nor when he was younger and becoming an artist. But it’s about when he was a old man and his health if failing him. Which brings this very gloomy feeling about the film. Your feel sad and already count like three times you think he might of passed away only to be slightly relieved he hasen’t gone yet. For a blooming love story about two French young people it feels very dull and non passionate. There is a genuine moment when Deedee is washing Renoir hands, there is a slight moment where they glance at each other. Renoir then looks down and away and says “too early too late”. As if to say that he has feeling for here, but his time is now coming to an end. She then lays her head on his chest