From the beggining this film is brilliantly curioise. Mr Oldman is the best of what he does and is set himself in his high tower. During the course of the movie you find that he is also some what of a slight of hand artist and when he meets a young woman who put herself in her own high tower. You dont know if Mr Oldman will be her knight in shining armor or his conquest. I was never quiet sure if he was going to take advantage of her ,one sign that kept me wondering was never letting her know about the automaton. She seems to turn around her condition a little to fast and, that set off my suspicion of this already mysterious woman and why Mr. Brown dosent see it. The twist is some what predictable because of this and the film could of end there. But for some reason we get a little peek of Mr Brown falling apart of what has happend to him. Now at the point at the very end I already could of imagine what state he would end up in. This very last part would of interest me more if it was a real person but I like I didn’t need to see it.